(Re)Discover your element


  • Gain clarity on your unique element
  • Reflect on personal strengths and values
  • Expand your professional connections

Are you searching for more fulfillment in your career? Are you looking for work that allows your dream and your natural talents to come alive?

If your answer to the above questions is Yes, then my next million-dollar question to you is: Have you discovered your element?

Getting clarity on own element is like having a compass in life. As educationalist Dr Ken Robinson quotes ‘When we are in our Element, we feel we are doing what we are meant to be doing and being who we’re meant to be.’

Your Element!

Most of the time, all it takes to (re)discover your element is through several reflective questions. You might be surprised that you already have the answer that you didn’t know you have. Your honest reflection and the wisdom from yourself and from the small group will guide you closer to the more fulfilling career and/or your desired profession you have been searching for.

Join us!

After a short introduction, you'll be asked to reflect on a few questions. Through each of the questions, you get to reflect and interact in meaningful conversations with other participants who, just like you, want to discover what truly suits them. With this reflective exercise, you'll help each other move forward towards their desired work/ career and simultaneously expand your own professional network. Will you join us?


Wie organiseert dit event?


Yifan Zhao

As a keen observer, I take pleasure in helping others recognize and appreciate their distinctive talents and qualities. I find profound satisfaction in assisting individuals in discovering and sharing their hidden potential with the world.

Ik heb JobOn ervaren als een positieve organisatie, waarin je je gekend weet en waar je de mogelijkheid wordt geboden om je vaardigheden te versterken, je persoonlijk te ontwikkelen en je netwerk te vergroten. De werkzaamheden voor JobOn gaven mij energie en een gevoel van waarde. Juist als je werkzoekend bent kan dat echt een verschil maken in hoe je je werkloosheid ervaart.

- Eventmanager: Carolien